Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 5

I started this day unable to walk, and wondered what I would be able to do. I warmed with a 2 hour zone 2 bike to Manhattan Beach. This was followed by 1 1 hour boot camp, but I was 50% at best still so sore in the legs that each step was pain. Then was a lecture, and I started feeling better when I did 60 min on the elliptical, still zone 2. Had a nutrition meeting to plot my course to 177 lbs and 6% BF. I will be about 1/2 way there by the end of this 4 week block. The last thing of the day was a partner workout (i.e., one trainer and two people). This was moderate in intensity and good for this day. Very sore right now as I write this and we have a solid day of training from 9 - 3, then I have a massage at 6 to cool down. Sunday is a light day/rest day and then weight in on Monday where not only weight, but body fat, and measurements are taken. We shall see. The goal is 7 - 8 lbs.

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